Femininity is close to divinity. In a commentary of the Kaulajnananirnaya by Matsyendranatha, Jayaratha explains how the woman is a svayan siddha (self-perfected) without having to do intense sadhana for they contain the womb space and the innate flow to gain gnosis by simply being present within the body. The woman’s yoni is akin to Kamarupa (modern day Kamakhya) where the teachings of the greatest shastras are orally transmitted.
Men rely on ‘going by the book’ and find it difficult to have an immediate union with the Goddess for they’re often obsessed with logic, semantics and rules due to their bodies being designed to function like the Sun; punctual and projecting outwards constantly. Women arouse the Goddess within themselves effortlessly due to their bodies being receptive to gnosis and being akin to the Moon; closest to nature due to inconsistency and self-balancing.
Nityaklinna (The One who is eternally wet) is the Goddess that’s associated to the 3rd lunar phase of the cycle and She’s known to be ‘svarakta’ constantly desiring of Herself and Her life force, this shows the ability of a woman’s self-illumined quality for she enjoys herself and is often fascinated by miraculous nature of her own mind and body. The feminine is given the highest place in tantras because the descent of grace happens through a woman’s body (this does not usually mean a child which is perfect creation) and that she has the ability to extract the secret juice of teachings (vidya) through her hot and receptive nature. It is Shiva Himself who says in the Yoni tantra that if one wants liberation and bliss, the worship of and devotion to their own woman is the easiest path for she being the Goddess confers upon a man the highest pleasures. When one comes in contact with a beautiful woman, a mantra must be invoked within the heart to revere the one who is the Goddess Herself.
‘A woman obtains in a single day the supernatural enjoyment a male practitioner procures after a full year of uninterrupted observance‘