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Writer's pictureSiddhi Vyas

Pisces: The feet that break boundaries

Feet are considered to be one of the most auspicious aspects of our bodies in Hinduism which is why they're so well maintained and decorated. In every Sanskrit verse dedicated to a deity, there is a description of their lotus-like soft feet, and in every song written to the Beloved, we want to surrender to their divine feet. But what is it about feet that they're so discussed and celebrated?

In the Purusha Suktam, it is said 'Padbhyam Shudra Ajayata' which means the Shudra caste comes from the feet of Vishnu. This particular Shudra may not necessarily refer to the political side of the caste system but the spiritual side of us that is below the feet of the divine. As human beings, we embody all of the castes in our day-to-day lives. When we sit to meditate, teach things, and argue; we embody Brahmins. When we fight for injustices, get upset at things not done right, and are taking care of the environment and its beings by not polluting; we embody Kshatriyas. When we go buy things, are diplomatic for our gains and try to maintain harmony in the world; we embody Vaishyas and finally when we clean, are of service to God/Love, and are willing to break boundaries of delusion and look deeply inwards; we embody Shudras. Venus and Ketu both do exceptionally well in this particular rashi due to:

  1. Ketu as the natural outcast and moksha karaka (signifying what liberates us) is not bothered about pleasing people's egos but is also devoted to its quest to uncover whatever is hidden within us. The 12th house or Pisces rashi is so deeply sensitive and intuitive because they carry information within their bodies about the collective.

  2. Venus/Lakshmi's birth took place under the Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra of Pisces. Many of her names refer to feet such as 'one who has lotus feet', 'She who likes the feet of Lord Vishnu', etc. Venus' exaltation in Pisces represents how Venus can open up doors to eternal bliss, leading to the loss of all the bliss we are programmed to acquire.

If you think of it, Sri Lakshmi and Shukracharya break several boundaries in the Vedas and Puranas. Shukracharya grants knowledge and wisdom to all those who can't gain it via Brihaspati (who limits knowledge to the Brahmins and devatas only). Pisces is the watery deep knowledge that takes time and practice to explore but once known, you can't help but see it everywhere. Sri Lakshmi is also the daughter of an asura but gets to travel all three worlds as She pleases due to Her fluid nature. Water cannot be restrained unless there is a still and stable force holding it (Sri Vishnu representing stillness and stability) which is why you always see Sri Lakshmi at the feet of Lord Vishnu, for She likes His neutral and still nature that helps Her grow continuously. Think of our subconscious mind (Kshirasagar/resting place of Lakshmi) as a powerful sponge that can shape the material world (Sri Lakshmi) by making us behave in certain ways and invoking certain desires but if you contemplate and still your mind on your desire, it reveals something deeper about you. When you wish to unite with the divine, it breaks the biggest boundary: your ego; by which we can fully surrender and become servants to the highest power but because this power is so unknown, it takes a lot of courage. When courage is utilized to become the feet of the divine, we become free because we hold the weight of nothing but Love.

Let me always meditate on your lotus feet. You are like a lotus flower and lotus flowers are dear to you. You reside in a lotus flower and hold lotus flowers in your hands. Your eyes resemble lotus petals. You are the world's beloved and make Lord Vishnu favourable to us.

-Sri Suktam

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