The Moon represents the mother however due to the subjectivity of the Moon and its fluctuating nature, there are multiple representations of the mother within the zodiac and how she nourishes us. In this series, we will unfold how each of the 12 motherly archetypes nourish and mold you and the possible karma associated with your Moon sign.
The Moon is a representation of the mind and our desires, and it shows what we find comfort in the most. Aries is the rashi which relates to I-ness (individuation), solidification of the flesh, the head, and enjoying everything first since it is the very first sign that blows up dynamically into existence (cardinal-fire).
There are two main archetypes of the mother as the warrior: Durga and Athena. Both goddesses are virginal, strategic on the battlefield, and mind-born. Durga is the energy of the fire of consciousness which is why is depicted as bright golden, but She is also depicted with Mahisasura (the bull-headed demon as a representation of the ego) which shows the lack of duality within the Goddess. The reason why mothers of Aries Moon people can view their children as an extension of themselves is because of this I-ness. The lack of boundaries within this mother archetype can be draining to the child due to their expectations which is why the Aries Moon native must push back on that since she is the warrior, she will enjoy that combative energy and also expect you to stand up for yourself. The mother of an Aries Moon as the warrior can push the child to refine themselves, almost into the second version of themselves because there is a need to solidify this fiery energy, so it doesn’t self-destruct. The karma for getting this specific Moon placement is to solidify the energy and individuate in the world which is why there is such a need for independence instilled in this sign however if seated in a difficult house, the moon placement either gets neglected or not given enough space to explore themselves and their agency.

The virginal aspect of the Goddess Athena is Her ability to recognize her innate non-duality just the way a Shivalinga comes into existence without external influences. The myth of Athena and Medusa is another way of showing how the divine mother cuts off your ego or what She might think as egotistical to ‘protect’ you. Medusa was violated by Poseidon on Athena’s altar and in a fit of rage Athena punished but also secretly gave a blessing to her that any man who looks at her face, now that of a Gorgon will be turned into stone immediately. The stone is also a representation of immobility and the ability of an Arian to restrict their energy if they wish to and solidify it to the point of immortality which is why the Aries Moon comes to this realm of existence to make use of their energy and focus on short and frequent projects in their lifetime so that they can enjoy movement as well concentration of their energy.
The Mother archetype is to love and nourish but also keep you tied to herself so that she can nourish you forever, however, this particular mother, just like her 8th house (Scorpio) is still learning to discover her 'self-hood' through you which is why it takes a great deal of openness even from the child's side to accept that their parent can be flawed which can be difficult for Aries rashi since it is the exaltation of the Sun, the lone, blissful wisdom that needs nothing else and relishes in itself. The Moon mimics the Sun by the Aries Moon natives wanting people dependent on them which is why it's such a common placement for cult leaders and provocateurs.
महाविद्या महामाया महामेधा महास्मृतिः।
महामोहा च भवती महादेवी महासुरी॥6॥
You are Mahavidya (the great secret knowledge beyond the mind), you are Mahamaya (the knowledge which enchants the mind), you are Mahamedha (the great intelligence beyond the mind) and you are Mahasmriti (the universal memory which knows everything), you are Mahamoha (the knowledge which confounds the limited mind); you are Mahadevi, the worshipful great goddess and you are Mahasuri, the great demoness.
-Tantrokt Ratri Suktam