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▽ Menstruation and Bharani nakshatra ▽

Writer: Siddhi VyasSiddhi Vyas

Updated: Oct 17, 2022

In the triguna theory, the rajas guna is the middle guna, which indicates passion, energy, and kriya shakti, which makes one take action. This guna or quality is necessary for the process of creation and creative works for it not only involves the use of our energy but also makes us receptive to another object or person so that a final product is created. In Hindi, a menstruating woman is known as Rajaswala for she is so full of the rajas guna that she begins to take the prana (life energy) of those around her which is also why a menstruating woman is not allowed in temples for she will consume the prana of the idols and the priest has to do the process of re-energizing the idols. So, what makes the woman a walking demoness, one who sucks the life out of idols and people? The answer to that is women's natural energetic flow is inwards and upwards towards the bindu that sits on the crown and this bindu holds the amrita (nectar of life) that floods the body and is drained out of women during their menstruation once a month, making them very naturally yin and attractive to any force that wants to feed her so that she could rejuvenate back to her fullness and can give instead of taking. A woman is a full moon and when she is menstruating she becomes the new moon, no longer controlling and directing but letting her consort (Shiva/sun) give his life force to her.

The 2nd nakshatra is known as Bharani which means filling and it is ruled by Mars and has 'Apabharani Shakti' which means the power to take things and sap things away. This nakshatra has a yoni symbol (the female vaginal orifice) which is the passage of life and death. In Ashwini nakshatra, ovulation takes place as the egg is transported from the ovary to the uterus, and Bharani is the deciding factor of whether fertilization will take place or not. If fertilization takes place, the woman is with child and the fetus saps her of all the energy but if the egg is not fertilized, the woman menstruates and becomes like a witch, hungry till she gets restored with all of that energy which is why she takes from the ones around her. Bharani nakshatra teaches an important lesson in astrology as the natural 1st house is Aries, one needs to be willing to energize themselves by letting selective people pour life into them. There is a dependence on our mother and our family when we are born, we take time, energy, and food from them so that we can grow and continue the cycles of life and death. The deity ruling over this nakshatra is Yama who is related to Saturn and is the divine as time itself trying to fulfill its purpose by taking back the life he gave so the play of the cosmos can continue. Similarly, women are also forced in this world to keep themselves young and rejuvenated while also being giving and depleting themselves in every way.

In pre-patriarchal societies, menstruation was celebrated as the greatest gift a woman received for it showed her ability to participate in many rituals, get married and continue the lineage. Even now, in some areas in the world, menstruation is celebrated the same way in festivals such as Raja Parba in Odissa and Apache Sun Rise Ceremony in Native American tradition. However, due to the conditioning of the patriarchal, capitalist society, women have begun viewing this gift as a shameful curse because it is the time of the month when they're not engaging in the process of giving, nurturing, being submissive, and general nice due to the pain caused to them by modern nutrition and technological advancements. Women are also not allotted enough time to rest and rejuvenate due to the notion of people viewing their menstruation as an inconvenience to their agendas which leads to the perversion of the female mind where she finds difficulty accepting the beauty of her fluctuating and magical nature that is akin to the cycles of the Moon.

The temple where the Goddess Sati's yoni fell in India is known as the Kamakhya yoni peeth where the devotees come to worship the womb of the Goddess Shakti and once a year, she bleeds and turns the water of the nearby river red in colour. This yoni peeth is so powerful that it is said that the women living in the area possess magical abilities and are often matriarchs of their homes. Kamakhya means one who has desirous eyes and her beeja mantra 'क्लीं' or kleem is known to attract the water element if she desires which shows the ability of the yoni to be hot, empty, and rajasic so it attracts the cooling, sattwic, hermetical Shiva. Bharani is also ruled by the earth element that is known to mold every other element which shows the restorative power of this nakshatra as it takes away any radicals that can hinder physical or spiritual progress. This can also be the reason why Bharani natives are constantly in the process of reshaping themselves into perfection and can be very nitpicky since the ascendant also relates to appearance.

In the Yoni Tantra, Lord Shiva says that all other worship is useless if the yoni isn't worshipped for it is the initiation gate and decides the worthiness of an individual to be born and then re-born to learn more lessons, the yoni also decides who gets to liberate as one needs to become Shiva or Mahakal to conquer Shakti and fulfill her. The Mahavidya Kamala is related to Bharani with planetary association (Venus) because she is the representation of Lord Shiva moistening her with semen and satisfying her sexually.

A woman takes back what she gives very naturally which is why the Vashikaran karma in Tantra is related to Bharani nakshatra's ability to pick a person and drain them by gaining mastery over them. This is often done through menstrual blood rituals where a part of the person (hair, semen, etc.) is picked by a Tantrik, covered with menstrual blood (being akin to a love potion), and mantras are chanted over this concoction to signify the supremacy of the individual wanting control slowly turning the other into a puppet who will then be used as a vessel to fulfill the desires of the practitioner.

Of all peethas, the supreme peetha is Kamarupa. It bears great fruit, even if worship is done there only once... That peetha is the secret mouth of Brahman, which brings happiness, where Mahisa Mardini dwells with her millions of Shaktis. Since the gods, goddesses, and sages are of this [Brahman] nature, they are all present here. Therefore, this place is kept secret by the great kula adepts.

-- Kulacudamani Tantra (Avalon 1956, 5.36–40)


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