There are several ways of understanding the planets in our charts such as palmistry, tarot, the Qabbalistic tree of life, etc. All of these systems are excellent but I wanted to introduce you all to a more physical and systematic method of astrology that uses yantras, the bodily processes, and the very primordial teachings of the tantras that can help you get better at astrology and find patterns and associations in the mundane life.
Tantric astrology is the esoteric and hidden branch of astrology practiced within a small number of lineages in the South of India specifically Sri Kula and Kali Kula (the lineages that worship the Goddesses Lalita Tripurasundari and Maha Kali). Although, the presiding deity and ruler of Tantric astrology is Maa Kali and it is through her blessing we can begin our journey into learning more about this mind-blowing astrological technique. Even with the basics, you will be able to correct a lot of your karmas and remediate afflictions in your chart.
Lord Shiva is the vessel through which Shakti flows which is why he is known as Shaktimaan because he's the boundary in which Shakti revels and enjoys her play which also makes Shiva the passive enjoyer and observer of the play. The Goddess Kali represents the primordial soup, the nakedness and ink-black darkness of the universe that pre-existed Shiva as Para-Shakti, and then through him as a medium, she came into becoming, traversing and permeating the cosmos. She wears the 52 letters of Sanskrit around her neck as they represent different facets of herself (Fun fact: there is not a single sound discovered outside the Sanskrit alphabet.) Maa Kali becomes an important aspect of tantric astrology due to her natural ability to control the 8th house of occult and the hidden aspects of life.
ॐ ह्रौं काली महाकाली किलिकिले फट् स्वाहा॥
In Shakta tradition, it is believed that the cosmos came into being through the will/desire (iccha) of the Goddess to learn more about herself (jnana/knowledge) and so she created the complex universe and all of its beings, objects, and abstract concepts (kriya/action) to discover herself and her highest potential which is why kindness, love, and empathy towards all beings is core to all religions because it is a recognition of the divine in everything.
All of these three forms of Shakti exist within us and are operating at different levels. If you're giving exams, the truth of your knowledge is being tested (Jupiter-Saturn combination). If you're clocking into your job, you're doing your duty and following the dharma (Sun-Saturn combination).
Here's a brief explanation of the triangle and what the 3 main planets represent:
Planets that have a concentration of the Shaktis:
Saturn -Iccha: In the Mahavidya system, Maa Kali is represented by the planet Saturn as she is the Shakti of Time (Kala meaning time) and time is the only thing that cannot be controlled by anything. Time is also the ever-present, the permanent thing that brings so many life changes hence it is related to the Will or Desire to be or do anything. A healthy Saturn is not helpless and does not feel constrained by its responsibilities. A badly functioning Saturn often has a hard time controlling its desires, is egotistical, and can resist law and traditions which can make it difficult for the native to achieve their desires. To strengthen your Will, you can chant the root chakra Beeja mantra 'Lam' every day at least 1000 times per sitting.
Lagna/Ascendant -Jnana: The Goddess Bhairavi is the concentration of the highest levels of knowledge which is why in Tantra, a female adept is known as Bhairavi (she who is awe/terror-inspiring) for she, just like a newborn is pure but can alchemize the world around Her. The ascendant holds all of our potential and happiness for it is the current karma/action we will take which is why it becomes so important to be knowledgeable to make the best decisions in life. Jnana becomes useful when it is applied appropriately and correctly. An unafflicted ascendant gives purpose, happiness, health, and the motivation to achieve goals but an afflicted one often makes a person a little directionless and they find it hard to manifest their desires into reality which relates to:
Sun -Kriya: Kriya means completed action, it is the fulfillment of Iccha and the use of Jnana to reach a particular goal. In the Mahavidya system, the Goddess Matangi rules over the Sun due to her being Vaikhari Vak Shakti (The speech that has already been uttered.) Sun represents Kriya due to his ability to continuously create and be it is when the reality in his mind is projected outwards appropriately and without flaws. This is why it is said that God created us perfectly as we are. A healthy Sun dispels all ignorance, it is creative and gives self-esteem, and the ability to go achieve your desires and follow your will (hence it is exalted in Aries which is the natural ascendant). A weak Sun has low self-esteem, difficulty standing ground, and gives in easily to other people's will. To strengthen the Lagna and Sun, practices such as Surya Namaskar, Linga-Mudra, Bhastrika Pranayama, etc. work very well. These practices also increase the fire element in the body which gives us a natural glow (ojas).
The world is ever-changing based on the will of the great Goddess so nothing is permanent. Similarly, in Tantra, the belief is that our body is a microcosm of the great cosmos with the many Nadis and chakras that work tirelessly to make it work in the best way so it can achieve its goal and the final purpose. Tantric astrology remedies involve everything from fire rituals to yoga techniques to clear the Nadis and ensure a proper flow of energy in the chakras so that they can assist your path to liberation. Remediating the Iccha-Jnana-Kriya triangle is enough to fix a lot of the other planets in your chart because they're the very foundation of everything. Sun is Shiva, Saturn is Kali and the knowledge and creative force that exists between them is the ascendant for it is the truth of our lives.
I will be exploring the other planets and the independence of Venus in my upcoming Tantric Astrology Patreon series so make sure you stay tuned for that.
As the water of the ocean is now calm and next agitated into waves, so are Brahman and Maya. The ocean in the tranquil state is Brahman, and in the turbulent state, Maya.
-Ramakrishna Paramahamsa