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Writer's pictureSiddhi Vyas

Giving up what controls you

Updated: Oct 17, 2022

A common rhetoric we experience in new-age spiritual circles is the indoctrination of the idea that we are in control of our destiny and we can 'manifest' our outer reality by changing our inner thought process. This to an extent is true (however it is a more complex conversation) and misappropriates a lot of concepts of Eastern philosophy that are meant to be practiced in a specific setting and period. The dogma i.e., the illusion of control that many people believe they have in their lives trying to sell you a flawless image that you too could adopt if you repressed your past, your generational trauma, and believed in the idea that repeating essentially empty affirmations (words such as 'I am abundant' and 'I am money') can bring you to your desired state of reality just like they have and this shows the astounding firmness of belief they have in their delusion.

The main reason we follow and submit to any of these spiritual coaches is due to their promise to deliver us a state of fulfillment that is often temporary due to material bliss itself being extremely temporary. Similarly, when we use tools of divination in the state of anxiety to give us a temporary sense of relief we are being seduced by our minds to find comfort in the possible control we can have on our lives which gives us an illusion of power when the outcome is in our favor. But what happens when this illusion is broken and we are forced to face the present when don't get the desired outcome? It creates a disconnect between us and our spiritual being for many of us believe that spirituality is only a blinding positive light when in fact our true connection with the divine is formed when we submit to the divine will and the divine plan for not only ourselves but also understand that our desire may not align with the plan for the universe and accept the various ways in which the divine finds new experiences and enjoyment through us. In the spiritual tradition, when you learn to embody the divine word through your behavior, you begin to transmute your experiences into knowledge taking you to a state of turiya which is when we merge into pure consciousness and this is a state of the completion that we seek when we look for fulfillment in temporary objects instead of using them as a way to become closer to the divine. This state of turiya is the realization that we are Shiva and we act as a playground for Shakti's divine play, thus, us giving up control and putting our lives in the hands of the mother goddess or the divine father gives us a lot of bliss and relieves us from a state of anxiety for we are simply giving up the illusion that controls us and amplifies our misery.

All faiths emphasize the importance of submission to the divine for it is easy to do so theoretically but in the practical application, we run into the problem of constantly seeking a state of false godliness by acquiring status, wealth, and beauty without a set purpose in mind and also without having sharpened our senses which creates this state of us becoming enslaved to these objects instead of mastering them. In Vedic astrology, each nakshatra is granted a wish made by their deity, such as in Pushya nakshatra, Brihaspati desires to possess the splendor of spiritual knowledge, and in Purvabhadrapada, Aja Ekapada desires to gain the radiance and splendor of spiritual knowledge the difference between the wording is related to the nature of the planets that rule over the Vimshottari dashas of the nakshatras; in Pushya, Saturn wants possession and control over spiritual matters showing the controlling and binding nature of Saturn in our charts whereas, in Purvabhadrapada, Jupiter desires to gain or come into contact and feel the radiance of spiritual matters showing Jupiter's freeing and expanding nature. Both planets have their strengths in spiritual matters such as penance and discipline being the realm of Saturn and Jupiter guiding through love and devotion towards the sweetness of the divine, however, Saturn is a malefic planet and it eventually catches up to you when you don't have enough discipline towards doing your daily practice or forget to do it sometimes for it wants to gain control over every area of life. Jupiter's expansive nature on the other hand is based on devotion and the acceptance of the fact that the divine permeates through everything which is why the 12th house is ruled by Jupiter's sign of Pisces where even the state of loss is considered to be bliss and the grace of the divine.

Giving up what controls you requires a lot of personal strength and is a test of our true will as they say in Thelema. It is important to remind ourselves of our Shiva tattwa (solar power) from time to time to radiate brilliance which is why many cultures participate in solar worship because they narrow what influences them by realizing that it's the star through which the cosmos is fertilized and flourished and that time itself doesn't influence the will of the Sun as he decides to rise and rest on his time. In The Book of Law, Nuit/the feminine/Saturn/darkness declares that she is divided for love's sake and the division is the source of creation however she's also the darkness that moves around Had/the masculine/solar which shows when we fall to the whims of the darkness (Saturn in your chart) it ends up controlling you whereas when you follow your Sun through practices such as Surya Namaskar, Liber Resh, doing activities that relate to the house your Sun sits in, etc., the stronger it becomes and begins to destroy the controlling and encompassing Saturn for, at the end of the day, Saturn is a planet that wants to be controlled and is pushing you to rise above it. Jupiter (Jeeva- Karaka) in our charts fuels our solar nature and is the key to building our devotion to our soul so it remembers its divine purpose and helps us give up what controls us.

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