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Bahucharaji: Goddess of transgender people

Writer: Siddhi VyasSiddhi Vyas

Shiva-Shakti are known to be one, always united like word and meaning which is why a popular form of them united is known as Ardhanarishwara. This is the state of balance where the manifest and the unmanifest are evidently in perfect harmony, it is also the true nature of the world that is revealed to the enlightened. One of the most popular connotations of Ardhanarishwara is referential to the transgender and the intersex communities known as ‘tritiya prakriti’- the third nature.

There’s a Goddess for everyone and everything in Hinduism because it is the nature of the Divine Mother to be compassionate to the beings of all kinds (one of Her names being abrahmakitajanani- the Mother of all beings from Brahma to the smallest insect in the world) because She is the one who is all these beings. The universe is a play of the Goddess and She does truly exist in everything which is why a true yogi has the perception to witness Her play continuously while being non-attached to it. The local Goddess of the Gujarat region in India that represents these communities of the third nature is known as Bahucharaji Mata. Bahu means many and Chara means movement and since She is seated on a fast-paced rooster, She is the Goddess that rules over all beings that move. A cockrel is an interesting vehicle for the Goddess, for it represents innocence, speed and since it awakens at sunrise, it is also akin to bravery and keeping track of the pace of life. The Goddess holds in Her arms a sword (to cut off egotistical attachments), a trident (the three gunas; sattva, rajas and tamas being in harmony), a book (Guru tattwa) and in some cases an incense (a symbol for Vayu, the heart chakra). Her hands are giving boons and removing fear.

Legend of Bahucharaji

The legend of the Goddess is that She is born within the Charan community (a caste of artisans, entertainers and poets) and while travelling with Her sister one day, they’re attacked by a maurader however it was a common practice amongst Charan people to commit suicide instead of surrendering to enemies. Hence, both sisters cut off their breasts and cursed the molester to be impotent for life. It is only when the man dresses up and acts like a woman to worship and serve the Goddess, the curse is lifted. The experience of the feminine is always under a threat of violence whether it be divinity or woman on earth and despite being the innocent and pure one, it is the woman who is labeled as the very reason for the violence to exist. The Goddess is also the patroness of women who are suffering from domestic abuse or physical abuse of any kind for She protects them and retains their innocence. The Goddess is known to be extremely benevolent to devotees and curses the enemies of Her devotees with impotence and infertility, so they are not able to please their ancestors and attain liberation.

Bahucharaji is worshipped by the marginalized transgender and intersex community in India for She represents this removal of identity imposed by nature and society and forging Her own path. Worshippers of Bahucharaji are often known for their non-violent nature, courage and kindness. Since She also protects the innocent, it is often said that blessings of transgender people to infants are coveted by Indians for She represents them. It is said that because the Goddess has broken through duality, She and Her devotees are akin to Ardhanarishwara, the complete and most accurate representation of what divinity is. Shri Bahucharaji loves arts, crafts and specifically music and is worshipped through ‘Anand No Garbo’ (The dance and song of bliss) in Gujarat for it is sound that encompasses everything and transcends duality.

Jai Bahuchara Mataji!



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