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Writer's pictureSiddhi Vyas

Are you afraid of astrology? (Mars and 8th house)

Updated: Oct 17, 2022

Fearlessness is the way towards liberation and it can be seen through how the 8th house of death and transformation can lead to the 9th house of fortune and divine grace. There is a lot of fear-mongering on social media about doing specific remedies, avoiding certain foods, avoiding certain places on certain days, etc. This does two things: We become completely immunocompromised to the vices of the world and we also do not know how to attain grace and recognize it in different forms. Today, Moon is void in Shravana nakshatra in Capricorn which is the star of complete receptivity but in a hidden form, this tests us to recognize our innate ability to find grace and meaning within every form. Mars exalts in Capricorn rashi due to its fearless nature and its ability to make a great fortune because of how it loves to face challenges thrown at it head-on. The 8th house is also ruled by Mars and it represents a type of nakedness and vulnerability (the 8th house represents the bathroom as well) we have to have when we're entering the field of the occult and slowly building our immunity by working with the support of the chosen deity. When we enter the field of occultism to gain mastery over the self, we have to begin by opening ourselves up to the illusions of dangers put forth by those around us.

Queen Gandhari in the Mahabharata gained special siddhis/powers when she had a blindfold over her eyes in the form of protest for years and was only guided by her intuition and her ability to trust the divine within her chaotic surroundings. This power, when she opened her eyes, granted her son a full-body impenetrable armor so he wouldn't die in the war. She asked her son Duryodhana to be completely naked in front of her so that she could protect his entire body (it was a crime to shoot a warrior in the face), however, her son felt ashamed and covered his genitals and due to that during the war, the cause of his death was an arrow shot to his thigh. His very own Achilles heel.

People often say that Vedic astrology scares them and feels foreign, complex, and brutal. The path toward the divine is a test because it makes us confront a lot of our shadow traits and when we fight them, we integrate them and become whole which inches us closer to the great Goddess. When we're afraid of astrology, afraid of confronting the pain and the demons within us, we delude ourselves into a Rahu-like state and start emitting false light which pushes us away from true knowledge that liberates us and gives us true bliss.

Doing activities related to the 8th house transforms us on a soul level and makes us realize our mortality which pushes us towards achieving our higher purpose.

Being fearless attracts a lot of pollution, it brings a lot of pain but once all of that is integrated within you, you become innately pure and outwardly terrifying and poisonous which helps in purifying other beings around you as you awaken these vices within them. This exact principle is applied to the nakshatra that comes right after Shravana known as Dhanishta and it grants fame and influence over people for eternity but also aches to be one with the divine due to its pure nature.

One should approach life the way one approaches a lover-naked.

--Marty Rubin

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Feb 01, 2022

Amazing article Siddhi🤎!!

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