Heavenly Light

Jyotish, meaning 'light from the heavenly bodies,' underpins Vedic astrology. It highlights the Sun's journey through the zodiac and its influence on earthly cycles.
Vedic astrology aligns zodiac signs with nakshatras, or star constellations, for accuracy in readings.
For example, Aries corresponds with the Ashwini and Bharani nakshatras. This sidereal system, preferred over the season-based tropical zodiac, adheres to ancient astrological traditions.
Thus, Vedic astrology offers a chart viewed as a cosmic map, connecting individuals to the celestial rhythm and maintaining the integrity of traditional practices.

True Pushya Ayanasma
In my practice, I use True Pushya, or Pushya Paksha Ayanamsa, despite variations in ayanamsas across India. This decision is inspired by Sage Parashara's teachings. He viewed the constellation of Cancer, especially the Pushya nakshatra, as the heart of time and the cosmic cycle.
By aligning my readings with this significant star, I aim to provide deeper, more spiritually connected astrological insights, resonating with the universal creatrix that Cancer represents.